
Friday, 30 March 2012

Are People Good Or Evil?

I think that people are generally good. I just think that people make stupid rules and we're expected to abide them. if people break rules they aren't bad people. For example we have a rule in our school where you can't eat in specific hallways. People still do eat in the hallways but it doesn't make them evil. Yeah sure there may be a few bad seeds in the mix but the majority of people are not Evil.

KONY 2012

I personally think this whole thing about Kony is really stupid. People are making such a big deal about it on Facebook or whatever just because it makes them feel like they are doing good. I hate to break it to you but making a Facebook post about Kony is not going to stop him. Also people that are making a big deal about this are really un-educated. They don't even know where Uganda is on a map. All I'm trying to say is that if your going to make suc a huge deal about this than at least find out some information on it.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Victory Laps

Victory laps are very important an should not be scrapped. It can be very useful for students who need that extra year to boost their marks for university, or get more experience in courses they want to take in university or college. However some students take advantage of the extra free year of education and stay the year for pure pleasusre. If the government is so worried about the cost of students taking a fifth year then they should only allow those who have a legeitimate reason to stay. If you want to stay for enjoyment then maybe there will be a fee involved.

Teens Ask Strangers To Judge Them

 I think it's really stupid that people post picture on the internet and ask people to rate them. To me it's just pathetic people looking for attention. The worst part is the A**holes that spend all day on the internet to "troll" people. all this does is make people feel bad and self conscious about themselves. People post pictures and have rude comments of their pictures from people they don't even know! They will say something terrible that can have a long term affect! for example say someone is self concsious about their weight posts a picture and someone says they look over weight. That comment might be the last straw to someones self Consciousness and make them become annorexic and have to deal with life long self esteem issues.

In my oppinion everybody is so beautiful in their own way. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about you all that matters is that every time you look in the mirror you are happy with the person you see looking back at you.